Monday, March 9, 2020

Week 47- I went home for a day!

Back in Palmyra at the Smith Family Farm (the temple in the background).

Don't worry, I didn't go home to Utah, but we had Zone Conference in Palmyra!!! I felt like I was home.  We have been taking President Nelson's challenge to study the restoration seriously--especially since these things first took place right in the middle of our mission!  It was a beautiful culminating event as we prepare for General Conference.  We weren't able to stop at any of the other sites, but just being there filled a hole in my heart I didn't know was there. I was never really able to say goodbye to the sites (since I thought I would be returning this summer) or have closure after I found out I wouldn't be getting to go back & serve at the sites, so it was really good to have that opportunity, and I couldn't have asked for a better one. I was asked to play a violin duet (Joseph Smith's First Prayer) with the Mission President's wife, and then we all had the chance to express our thoughts and feelings as we contemplated the first vision. Later we got to have a silent walk down to the Smith Farm, walk through the log home and out the back door to the grove, just as Joseph would have done. We gathered at the entrance to the grove and sang Joseph Smith's First Prayer, and then went into the grove. I was the first one in because I wanted to get MY bench where I sat the first day of my mission. It was powerful to contemplate the changes in my life since that first day and to reflect on my mission so far, and what I have yet to come until I'll be back in the grove the day before I leave my mission to come home in a short 7 months. I was filled with the spirit and God's love for me, and it was one of the most amazing days of my mission!

Walking to the Smith Farm in Palmyra
The Smith Family Log Home

This is probably much more how the grove actually looked when Joseph Smith prayed in the early spring--
the leaves don't come out until much later in the season.

My pondering bench :)
We got 30 minutes to sit and reflect on what happened in this grove.

Then we had a special testimony meeting in the Sacred Grove to end our Zone Conference in Palmyra.
 (Emily is 3rd row back 3rd from left)

This week we were also able to have Dale, someone we have been teaching for a long time, agree to a baptismal date! It's a couple months out but this is a big step for him. The other crazy thing is that we are helping a woman named Becky quit smoking! It has been quite the experience. She's been smoking since she was 12--almost 40 years.  But she knows it is going to change her life and help her be healthier and closer to God. Pray for Becky! 

I know that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ in that grove of trees in Palmyra, NY. While we may not know all the details or understand everything about what happened that day, the feelings I have experienced as I sit in the grove and as I have taught people about the first vision, and the changes I have seen in people's lives from the truths restored, are undeniable. I am so grateful to be doing this crazy hard wonderful thing of being a missionary!

Love, Sister Potts 

Look what we found in the library?

The snow is melting, and we've gotten into the 50's for a few days!
Can't wait for Spring!

FUN FACTS: Church Organization - Part 1

1. 10 days after the Book of Mormon went for sale, the Believers were back at the Whitmer farm for the organization of the church!

2. April 6 was revealed by the Lord to be the day that the Church of Jesus Christ was to be restored to the earth. 

3. According to New York state law, there had to be 3-9 members to organize a church, so they went with 6! 

4. Among the founding members were Joseph Smith, Samuel Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer, but there are some differing sources on the last 2. These people had been baptized and were confirmed in the organizational meeting.

5. There were about 40-50 people total in the Whitmer Cabin witnessing these miraculous events.... which will be continued next week. 

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