Sunday, March 22, 2020

Thanks for the Prayers--Keep Them Coming!

An Update from Momma Potts . . .
Thanks to all who have reached out this week and expressed their love & concern for Emily.  I realized today that I have sent messages to family groups, but I haven't yet let the rest of you know that Emily is doing fine for now.  As of Tuesday morning (the day after her P-Day), her entire mission was asked to self-quarantine to their apartments.  This was a huge relief to us!  I'll post copies of the communications we have received over the last week and a half from her Mission President, so you can see how it has evolved & the details.  Things have sure happened quickly! But we have felt such a sense of peace & calm this week, knowing that she is in the Lord's hands, and we are so grateful for her Mission President who has spent many a sleepless night this past week, for sure, and has been leading them in love and hope.  
Even though New York is definitely one of the top hot spots in the country right now with this virus, I was happy to see this morning one of Emily's branch members share a link from the St. Lawrence County Government that "There are Currently No Cases of Covid-19 in St. Lawrence County."  there have been a number of people tested, but so far no tests have come back positive.  :)   There are definitely positive cases throughout their mission, though, that are increasing exponentially right now, so keep all the missionaries in your prayers!
We got to videochat with Emily on Thursday morning, and she is doing well!  It's a bit of a challenge trying to switch over to teaching via only technology (and fill their time with meaningful, purposeful mission activities), but they have been able to have some fun video chat lessons and are checking in on branch members/friends (through texts & FB messenger) to leave uplifting messages and see how people are doing.  They are getting to take outside walks a couple times a day to get some fresh air, and they are making the best of their situation.  
Don't feel obligated to read the following email communications from her mission (although the last one on 3/20/20 has a lot of great info about their schedule & what they are being asked to do right now).  Mostly I just want to document the quick progression in her blog so we have a central record of it.  
Everyone take care & keep praying for our missionaries!
Love, Momma Potts

New York Syracuse Mission
Mar 12, 2020, 3:19 PM (10 days ago)
COVID-19 Update – New York Syracuse Mission
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Current cases inside the boundaries of the New York Syracuse Mission:  3

In the spirit of being prepared, we have funded missionary MSF cards with a $75 pre-payment per missionary.  We have asked all missionaries to go grocery shopping today or early tomorrow morning to get a two week supply of food.  In addition, we have asked each missionary to obtain a few necessary medical supplies. 

We have also asked missionaries to stop shaking hands, hugging, and other common greetings as they are at church, finding, and teaching. 

Our missionaries are healthy and doing well.  We are constantly receiving updates from the missionary department, area presidency, and medical professionals.  We are also discussing daily with our health councils the needs of the missionaries and making plans for possible situations that may arise.

We love your wonderful missionaries and care deeply about their health and safety.  We will continue to update you regularly, 

All our love!

President & Sister Vest

New York Syracuse Mission

Sat, Mar 14, 5:35 PM (8 days ago)
COVID-19 Update – New York Syracuse Mission
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Current cases inside the boundaries of the New York Syracuse Mission:  12
On Friday, March 13 we held a mission-wide conference call.  We addressed the basics of COVID-19 and re-emphasized the preventive measures we have been talking about for weeks.  We talked about how many public places are shutting down and the “why” behind it.  We also talked about those who are most at risk.  We spent the bulk of the time on what we should be doing right now.  This included:  1)  Having a two week supply of food and the purpose behind that, 2)  We discussed hand washing and proper methods of doing this, 3)  Avoiding large groups of people, 4) Medical supplies that they need to have on hand.  We then had a Q&A for about 30 minutes and the missionaries were able to ask questions.  We also discussed the spiritual principles of trusting God and having Faith in Christ. 
Currently, all missionaries have completed most of their shopping and are prepared with their two-week supply of food and medical supplies.  A few are still gathering items that have been harder to come by (toilet paper).  But, they are finding success as they try stores at different times of the day.  We have given missionaries permission to shop when needed to obtain all their emergency items.
Sister Vest and I have also reached out individually in personal conversations to as many companionships as possible in the last 24 hours.  We have talked personally to about 70% of the companionships and will complete the other 30% by tomorrow.  They have many questions.  Most seem to be doing very well and are in good spirits.  If they have concerns, we are doing our best to address those and help them.
We are in regular communication with them via our zone groups.  Zone Leaders, District Leaders, and Sister Training Leaders are leading and loving and ministering to those they serve.  Today we sent an update about many adjustments that are being made to protect them.  There was also communication about receiving the sacrament.  We have not been instructed at this point to quarantine or keep missionaries in.  They are continuing to teach and find but with adjustments that will keep them safe.     
We continue to receive regular (multiple times a day) updates from the missionary department, medical professionals, and our Area Presidency.  We will continue to keep you updated as things change.
We feel a great responsibility and love for your missionaries.  All our love,
President &  Sister Vest

New York Syracuse Mission
Mar 16, 2020, 2:33 PM
Dear parents,
How grateful we are to serve with your sons and daughters in the Lord’s cause. We love these young women and young men as our own. Please know that with the coronavirus, or COVID-19, affecting people here and around the world, our highest priority right now continues to be your missionary’s personal health and safety.
To help ensure the missionaries’ continued physical and spiritual well-being, we are following the inspired and well-informed direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, our Area Presidency, and the Missionary Department. We also are instructing the missionaries in following local and national government guidelines and precautions, reminding them to:
* Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
* Stay in their apartment whenever they themselves are sick. Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.
* Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
* Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with household cleaning spray or wipes.
* Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (which should always be done if their hands are visibly dirty), and, if soap and water are not readily available, to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
We are asking your missionary to contact us immediately if they feel sick so that we can involve health care professionals and our area medical advisers. If your missionary has chronic or critical health issues that we need to be aware of, we also invite you to reply to this email to make sure that we address any concerns. We understand very well that the current situation may be stressful and cause concerns for some of our missionaries and their families, but we will watch over your missionary carefully and will communicate with them often.
Currently, our mission boundaries has one of the lowest counts of coronavirus cases at 24 (Note from Shauna:  I believe he is talking about in their area/region).  Missionaries are continuing to find and teach with adjustments that keep them safe.  If it becomes necessary for our missionaries to only work from their apartments, we will provide additional funds for them to purchase food and supplies. We will help the missionaries prepare and make sure their needs are met.
These are challenging times and circumstances, but to us this also is an opportunity to continue sharing the gospel. In the event that our missionaries are required to work primarily from their apartments, they will continue to focus on their missionary purpose by teaching using technology, studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel, language learning, family history, online community service and other activities as needed. This is also a significant opportunity for missionaries to work closely with local Church leaders to reach out to new and returning members, families where some individuals are not yet members, and members with special ministering needs. Our missionaries will continue to go outside for exercise and fresh air while observing wise guidelines for personal contact.  If we transition to working from missionary apartments, we will instruct them that they may communicate with you twice a week to share their status and experiences.
 All of these activities will help them continue the Lord’s work, grow spiritually, and bless those in the communities they serve.
Going forward, we will continue to send updates to you as mission circumstances evolve.
Please be assured that we are completely dedicated to keeping your missionary healthy and safe. And we are most grateful for our loving Heavenly Father’s supporting hand in caring for them. May he continue to abundantly bless you and your family, each and every missionary, and the people we have been called to serve.
With our greatest love and appreciation,

President and Sister Vest

New York Syracuse Mission

Tue, Mar 17, 9:26 AM (5 days ago)
March 17, 2020   9:26 am

Dear Parents, in our effort to communicate, we would like to update you with the most recent changes occurring in the mission, and how we are caring for your missionaries.

  • As of today, the Church has asked that all the missionaries self-isolate for 14 days.  We are ready for this; the missionaries have already stocked their apartments with food and  necessary supplies.  During this time, they will be able to leave their apartments twice a day and  take a walk using safe distance practices.
  • Each missionary has been given guidelines on things that they can do during this 2-week time period when they will stay in-doors.
  • The missionaries will stay on their purpose of ministering and bringing others to Christ with the use of technology. 
  • The missionaries are now able to call home twice during the week. P-day and one other time of their choice.

The church, in a spirit of being cautious and careful, has identified missionaries from our mission who have health risks that could be exacerbated by coronavirus.  They have gone home today; we love them and know that their safety is very important. 

Please know that we love your missionaries and feel their safety and well-being is our priority.
Sister Lund
New York Syracuse Mission
Secretary to President Vest

New York Syracuse Mission

Fri, Mar 20, 2:03 PM (2 days ago)
COVID – 19 Update – New York Syracuse Mission
Thursday, March 20, 2020
Current cases inside the boundaries of the New York Syracuse Mission:  182
Starting Tuesday morning all missionaries have been working from their apartments.  This is a real change for them as in the past we always wanted them out of their apartments 😊.  It is an adjustment and in some respects is like learning all over again.  We are making sure that they are leaving twice a day to go outside and get fresh air, take a walk, throw a frisbee.  Of course, when they are out on these walks, they are distancing themselves from others.  Each of these walks/exercise times is about 30 minutes.
Our desire and that of our leaders is to help them to continue to be focused on their purpose to bring souls to Christ.  They are finding, teaching, lifting, and inspiring those around them.  Many missionaries are reporting they are very busy with the work and some even report they are teaching more now than before.  Miracles are happening all over the mission and the missionaries are sharing those miracles in their zone groups.  I wish you could see them.  We have many people being baptized tomorrow in the mission and we have many people in the last 3 days that have been put on date for baptism via video lesson.  It is critical to us that they continue to feel purposeful in this most important work and keep their focus on the sacred nature of their calling.  It is also very important that they are healthy physically, emotionally, and mentally.  We want to make sure that they have time each day to refresh, renew, and unwind as well.  Keeping that balance on both sides is important.
I thought it would be good for you to know a few details about their days.  The morning routine is the same as always with lots of flexibility and time for them to prepare for the day.  From 6:30 am to 10 am they have 3 hours of time to exercise, eat, dress, refresh, do personal study.  From 10 am to 6 pm they have 4 hours of time where they are not proselyting (lunch, dinner, walks, companion studies) and 4 hours of time where they are finding, teaching, inspiring others.  This gives them the ability to spread their time working and their time refreshing throughout the day.
Many have asked what they can do to help their missionaries.  Here are a few of my thoughts:  1) Build their faith in Christ.  As you send notes to them during the week, please consider the impact of your messages to them.  Positive thoughts and faith-filled encouragement can truly help them.  2) Turn them to the Savior for strength and help.  As many of them struggle with the uncertainty swirling around us, I am trying to turn them to their Savior and their loving Father in Heaven.  This reliance upon Them is one of the greatest things they can learn on a mission and for their lives.  3) Send them these things:  Handwritten notes of encouragement, messages filled with faith and hope, Twizzlers, variety packs of chips, aggie ice cream, and other food items.  Please do not send them games or playing cards, etc.  Their call packet asks them not to bring these items and they have an important work to do.  As missionaries continue to engage in inviting others to Christ, to the best of their ability, they are finding great fulfillment and a sense of purpose.
Today on a call with all missionaries, we encouraged them to take quick breaks as needed for 15-20 minutes throughout the day.  This is in addition to the 4 hours of time that they already have.  During these quick breaks, we invited them to use the Calm App and do meditation exercises, journal, exercise, draw, or color.
We are striving to stay in constant communication with them via phone, text, GroupMe, and ZOOM calls.  We had a mission-wide devotional last night via zoom – our son Kolby did a magic trick for them, we had a brief spiritual message, sang a hymn and prayed together.  Today at 12:30 pm we had another mission-wide ZOOM call to provide them tools, help, and resources that will assist them in their efforts.  This included ways to plan effectively under this new model, setting goals, spreading the work and the times of refreshing throughout the day, effective finding methods using area book, and working with members during this time. 
Currently, we have no instances in the mission of any missionary exhibiting any symptoms that would resemble coronavirus.  We feel so blessed.  We continue to pray diligently for them and their safety.  They are doing amazingly well.  We will continue to have mission-wide devotionals three nights a week to cheer them on and to see their beautiful faces.
We pray together as a mission every morning at 6:31 AM and invite you to join us (either at your 6:31 or our 6:31).  Our prayer is for one another and always includes praying to find the elect and that we can flood the mission with positivity and optimism.
We love your missionaries and promise our very best to help them through this extraordinary time.  They are doing well, learning to rely on their Savior, and bringing souls to Christ. 

President & Sister Vest  

Invitation to write Emily:
Like her mission president said, I'm sure Emily would love an uplifting note (or even some good memes she can use from the prophet or apostles to uplift those she is teaching).  Her email is:

If you feel so inclined, she mentioned this week that she would ESPECIALLY LOVE a hand-written letter. She says she walks to her mailbox every day only to find it empty. Haha. She was specifically chiding her brother, who had promised to send one weeks ago (and who btw just officially submitted his mission papers).  I'm sure, though, that she would love to receive any uplifting messages from any who feel inclined. Her address is:
Sister Emily Potts
62 Highland Rd., Apt 3
Massena, NY 13662

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