Monday, January 27, 2020

Week 41- We're sliiiipping, We're sliiiidin'

I hope you sang that title to the tune of "We're Soaring We're Flying" from High School Musical haha. 

As you can probably guess from the title, it's been slick up here but the good news is, that's because it's warmed up! We got a couple inches of slush the other day which makes it really awkward because if you wear even waterproof snow boots they leak and your socks get wet, but If you wear your rain boots then you have zero traction and you hear a little squeal every couple steps because you almost slide into a snow bank. We're making it work though.

Good news is we got in contact with our friend Dale who was ignoring us for a couple weeks after we taught tithing. He has some valid concerns we're going to help him work through while we help him build his faith in Christ. 

We visited a less active member for the first time and she has 15 dogs and 4 cats and a couple birds. Oh my goodness it was exciting.  But for anyone who knows me and my lifelong phobia of dogs will be glad to know I wasn't even phased by it haha. 💪

We also started teaching a few new people. One of which is a cool guy who actually has a degree in American History, so he is familiar a bit with the history of the church and has actually read parts of the Book of Mormon and believes it to be true! That's exciting to start off with. 

I'd like to end with my testimony of CPR. No, not cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but Church Pray Read. The three building blocks of faith and testimony. I know that as we consistently strive to do these three simple acts and focus on the Savior as we do, that we will be able to strengthen our foundation and find strength and support through the attacks of the adversary. 

Love, Sister Potts 

FUN FACTS:  Mary's Miracle Amid Translation

1. As you can imagine, Mother Mary Whitmer was pretty stressed having 8 kids of her own and three house guests thrown in the mix. She tried hard not to complain, but it was getting tiring.

2. One of her chores was to milk the cows.  As she went out to the barn one day, she saw an old man standing there. 

3. He introduced himself as Moroni and said that she must be pretty tired with all the work she had to do. He said it was requisite that she should have a witness so her faith can be strengthened. 

4. Moroni pulled the golden plates out of his knapsack and showed them to Mary. He flipped the pages and then he left. 

5. While this didn't take away any of her chores, it did give her a boost to endure them with greater ease. It also shows us that God is aware of our trials and our needs whether it's great or small. 

Bonus pictures from last week's Zone Conference:

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