Monday, January 13, 2020

Week 39- Transfers 😱

The Potsdam District before transfers.
Well everyone, this week was transfers............... and Sister Penrod and I are staying in Massena! We were shocked because our mission president rarely keeps companions together that long--this is our 3rd transfer together. But we are excited! No complaints here! Then of course the next day our SIM card in our phone died, and we had no way of communicating to anyone, so we had to spend half the day at Walmart with wifi arranging to get a new one all the way from Syracuse (over 3 hours away)! That was another adventure. We also had another ice storm, and it canceled church yesterday!  So it has been quite a week. 

We started teaching the cutest mom and 8 yo son last week. He has so many questions like,  "Did anyone see Jesus after he rose into heaven? " SO CUTE! and he was so excited to meet with us he could hardly handle it!  He was so excited to download the app on his phone to watch the Book of Mormon videos. 

We have zone conference this week, and they have asked us to read 'Beware of Pride ' by Ezra Taft Benson. It's really good and really humbling. Here's a quote:

"The proud make every man their adversary by pitting their intellects, opinions, works, wealth, talents, or any other worldly measuring device against others. In the words of C. S. Lewis: “Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. … It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition has gone, pride has gone.” " WOW, huh?  And I think it's interesting that the things we are using against others,  wealth, talents, intellect, etc, are the things God has given us! We are essentially turning his gift against him. I'm really going to try and work on the important virtue of humility. 

Have a great week :)

Love,  Sister Potts 

Yes, it's officially COLD outside!


1. So the miracle that helped the Whitmer family let Joseph and Oliver come is reffered to as the miraculous plowing. 

2. It was planting season, and the family had a lot of work to get done, so Father Whitmer said maybe if David got the plowing done he'd let the men come. 

3. Well, one morning he went out to finish plowing and found several acres of his field had been plowed miraculously by some unseen hand, with the plow waiting for him to finish the job. 

4. He was also able to finish the job in a shorter amount of time than anticipated. 

5. The family took this as a sign from God that the work the men were doing was from God, and they needed to be a part of it. 

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