Monday, November 18, 2019

Week 31- Baby it's COLD Outside

Update from Mom:  sounds like Emily tried to send an email last week, but it glitched somehow and was lost.  She was able to send one today, though.  She's been sick for the last 2 weeks and finally got to the doctor today & got some meds, so she should be feeling better from her sinus infection soon:)  From Emily today:

Because no matter how cold it is or how sick you feel,
ice cream is always the answer.

Hello everyone! It's been cold this week! We have over a foot of snow and it has been consistently in the teens and around 0. But the work continues! We have an awesome new friend named Jay. He has a rough life. He's about 30 but is in a hard situation and he feels like it was divine inspiration that we contacted him. He has already read over 100 pages in the Book of Mormon and he came to church Sunday! He says his life has started turning up and he attributes that to reading the Book of Mormon and meeting with us!

I had my first exchange this week! I went to an area called Lake Placid which had the Olympics there in the 80s. It's definitely a tourist town and reminds me of Park City, but it was fun! We saw some miracles and were able to give away several copies of the Book of Mormon. It was awesome! Sister Penrod stayed in Massena with Sister Di Iulio from Italy!

My first exchange!

I also reached my 7 month mark this week. It's kind of crazy! I've had spring, summer, fall, and now winter weather on my mission so far. 

We've been teaching several people the Plan of Salvation lately and it has struck me how blessed we are to have answers to where we came from, why are we here, and where we are going. Those are things people are searching for all over the world and we know! We are so blessed to have that knowledge and the peace that comes with it.

Have a fantastic week and stay warm!
Love, Sister Potts 

FUN FACTS (from the Grandin Print Press continued):

1.  After the pages have been pressed overnight they are taken out and 4 cuts are made in the spine with a hand saw

2.  They are then transferred to a sewing frame, and the women would hand sew all 37 signatures together.

3. Then they would glue the spine for extra stability.

4. They would now cut the book open! A fancy contraption called a plane and plow would slice a small piece off the top of a few pages at a time to get rid of all the folds.

5. Last step is the title! We will go into that next week ;)

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