Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Week 29- A Witch, a drunk, and three Sister Missionaries

A man named Everette (in the branch) creates these fun masterpieces to welcome new people to the branch.  Sister Potts is officially welcomed into the branch! 

Well there's no dull moment here in Massena! Tuesday we had quite the experience at a lesson. When we came up to the apartment, the man was there but his girlfriend wasn't. Thankfully he had a lady friend helping him with some paperwork so we could go in. It was quite obvious from the very beginning that he was DRUNK. But we went in and he wanted to talk to us because "it makes him feel good." The woman asked if we're Mormon and we of course said we're missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and she says "cool, I'm pagan, a witch!" Wow, okay cool! So we get talking and he promises to come to church but then finds out it's earlier than he thinks he can get up, and the witch offers to put a hex on him so he'll wake up on time (which he thankfully declined). Then before we left he said, "Wait, what are you girls doing with the rest of my life?"  Awkward pause--what?!  The witch said, "Jimmy you can't marry all 3 of them!" Then her eyes get really big, and she looks at us and says "WAIT you're Mormon, yes you can!" To which we all shout in unison, "NOOOOOOO!"  Haha it was sooo funny we ran out of there hardly containing ourselves. 

We had Zone Conference this last week in Syracuse (3 hours away)--
we're multi-tasking eating our lunch and listening

Lining up for the Hurrah for  Israel shout at the end of Zone Conference.
On a more serious note we also had a really hard lesson with a guy who was supposed to be baptized a while ago who has gotten into some anti material and was asking us about all these outrageous things that he's watched on YouTube. It's so frustrating that he refuses so spend any time reading the actual Book of Mormon, but will spend hours on YouTube watching things that he can't even begin to comprehend. In a leadership conference a couple weeks ago our mission president told us that the iron rod is a three stranded cable consisting of the words of the living prophets, the standard works, and the spirit. If you rely on anything but that to answer your questions you will be led astray into strange paths. I know that if we spend our time on the word of god that we can find answers to all our questions, no matter if they are expressly answered or if the spirit leads us to the answer. The Book of Mormon is the answer! It is true!

Love, Sister Potts 

In our trusty truck :)



1.  After the printing of the Book of Mormon was complete, binding could begin! It took place on the second floor of the Grandin Building!

2.  The pages would be lowered down using a pulley from the printing shop, and they would cut each page in half so there were 8 pages of the Book of Mormon on the front and 8 on the back.

3.  They would have to hand fold 185,000+ pieces of paper 3x into groupings called signatures.

4.  Each signature contained 16 pages of the Book of Mormon, and it would take 37 signatures to complete a copy of the Book of Mormon.

5.  The signatures would be put in a standing screw press overnight (pictures below) to flatten the signatures.

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