Monday, September 21, 2020

Week 75- the Lone Ranger

It was 17 months on the 17th of September!

Well folks, the 13th transfer has begun and my mission president has named me the Lone Ranger. What does that mean you may ask? Well you see, my MTC district was the last group to come into the NY Rochester mission (my original call); therefore we were the last group of Sisters to be called to serve at both the Sites and in the NY Syracuse mission (since our missions merged). And since the rest of my MTC district went home this week, I am the last Sister left in the NY Syracuse mission who served at the historic sites. I feel so old! Haha. But I am excited that I have a few more weeks to serve. 

We had to say goodbye to Sister Jenks this week (middle).

We picked up my new companion, Sister Randall, on Tuesday! She is the sweetest. She is from Gilbert, AZ and served for a few months in Australia before coming here. This is going to be a great transfer!

Meet Sister Randall

Not much has happened this week, we only had a few lessons with our friends, but we have been trying to do more member doctrinal visits which has been fun! We also had a virtual stake conference yesterday and they reorganized the Buffalo, NY stake. 

Our Bishop's wife made us an awesome Stake Conference care packet!

I think I mentioned the in-depth Preach my Gospel study that we started this week. We spent the whole weeks studying God is our Loving Heavenly Father, the Gospel blesses Individuals and Families, and Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. These topics really struck me, especially the first one. One of my favorite quotes is by Elder Uchtdorf, and it says, "Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount—that is the measure of God’s love for you." I know that God's love is not limited by time, space, decisions, race, color, gender, or religion. He loves all of His children perfectly, individually, and infinitely. But he also has high expectations for us! He knows our potential for what we can become. And if we truly love Him back, we will desire to obey His commandments and serve Him. He truly has a perfect plan for us, and if we follow it we will be able to return to Him and live eternally in peace and joy.

Have a great week!
Love, Sister Potts 

Sisters Randall, Lifferth & Potts ready to go to work!


1. Today and tomorrow is a big holiday for Church History! It is the 197th anniversary of the Angel Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith in the log home in Palmyra. 

2. The year is 1823 and Joseph was praying late on the evening of Sep 21st and into the morning of the 22nd. He desired to know what God needed of Him and if he could be forgiven of his sins.

3. As he prayed, an angel appeared and introduced himself as Moroni. He visited Joseph 3 times that night giving him a miraculous message and telling Him about an ancient record buried in a nearby hill. 

4. The next day on Sep 22nd Joseph was able to go to the Hill Cumorah and see the plates for the first time!

5. He would go every year for 4 more years on Sep 22nd to the Hill before he was able to obtain the plates. 

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