Monday, July 20, 2020

Week 66- The Singing Sisters

Hello! I'm afraid it won't be the most eventful of emails, but it was a good week. We decided that we should start utilizing the power of music more, and so we have been singing hymns to people. It has had a generally good response which is good, and we know that they can feel something! 

We had a lot of rain and thunderstorms which are my favorite, and we made a cute little (literally haha) video! We have a zone facebook page, The Light of Christ in Western New York, that it is on, feel free to go like it ;)

And that's about it folks! We talked in the video about hope, and I just want to bear my testimony of it again. Hope is real! It comes through our Savior Jesus Christ, and it is the assurance and trust that God will fulfill his promises to us. What has he promised? That as we keep the commandments, regardless of what is going on around us, we can find peace and joy and prosper!

Love, Sister Potts

Fun Facts:  Book of Mormon Translation

1. The main scribes for the Book of Mormon were Emma, Martin Harris, and Oliver Cowdery, though Samuel Smith and Reuben Hale probably helped a bit as well. In fact, Joseph himself even scribed for one verse.

2. In Feb 1828 Martin Harris took a paper with some of the characters from the plates to a scholar in New York City who verified their authenticity.

3. The scholar, Charles Anthon, later ripped up the certificate of authenticity when he heard about the gold plates and the Angel Moroni, but it was still good enough for Martin Harris.

4. Charles Anthon was actually a professor of Ancient American languages, so Joseph himself had no idea that the language on the plates was actually a form of reformed Egyptian.

5. Oliver Cowdery, who was the principle scribe, was so excited to meet Joseph that he practically ran and got there with a frost-bitten toe.

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