Monday, July 27, 2020

Week 67- Phase 1

Sorry my pictures didn't come through last week,
but I celebrated 15 months in the mission field on July 17!

Wow folks, time is flying! On Wednesday I will only have 3 months left, and I'm grateful I'm doing 13 transfers because the rest of my MTC group is going home in less than 8 weeks. Crazy!!!!! My little brother also left for his mission this morning so every child in my family is on a mission. It sounds more impressive when you say it that way, haha. 

The big update for this week is that we have officially been given the OK to go into phase 1!  Basically what that means is that we can go to in-person district council, we can have in-person lessons with our friends, we can have daytime exchanges, and we can do service. Everything is still socially distanced and with masks of course, but we are still excited. Unfortunately most of our teaching pool in in the high-risk category, so we aren't able to meet with them in person, but we are excited nonetheless. Especially because church is officially starting next week! And we are giving the first talks in sacrament meeting. 

This week had some ups and downs in our teaching. Our friend Michelle who has been progressing really well said she wouldn't be baptized, but thankfully we were able to start teaching our friend Joe again after his surgery! 

Random highlight from the week is that we found 3 monarch butterfly chrysalises near our house last week, and yesterday right as we walked past they broke out and fluttered right past our faces! It was magical. 

We had mini zone conferences via zoom this week, and as part of that we read the talk, "careful vs casual" by Becky Craven, and I was also asked to give a short thought on obedience. So I centered my thought around one paragraph in particular:
"There is a careful way and a casual way to do everything, including living the gospel. As we consider our commitment to the Savior, are we careful or casual? Because of our mortal nature, don’t we sometimes rationalize our behavior, at times referring to our actions as being in the gray, or mixing good with something that’s not so good? Anytime we say, “however,” “except,” or “but” when it applies to following the counsel of our prophet leaders or living the gospel carefully, we are in fact saying, “That counsel does not apply to me.” We can rationalize all we want, but the fact is, there is not a right way to do the wrong thing!"

Isn't that amazing!? if there's one thing I have learned on my mission it's that exact obedience to God's laws brings blessings. We can't be 'casual' about it. Too often we find ourselves in gray areas where we justify our actions and think that it's probably okay. But we truly find more peace and joy as we choose to do the harder careful thing rather than the easier casual thing. Whether that be in modesty, tithing, language, the TV shows we watch, we will always be better off for erring on the cautious side. 

Have a great week!

Love, Sister Potts

P.S.  Enjoy some pics of our food adventures this week.  Sister Lifferth is whipping us into shape with lots of veggies & flavorful healthy dishes!

FUN FACTS: Early Baptisms

1.  After the aaronic priesthood was restored to the earth by John the Baptist in 1829, the first person to be baptized was Oliver Cowdery by Joseph Smith.

2. Right after, Joseph was baptized by Oliver Cowdery.

3. The next person to be baptized was Joseph's Brother Samuel, who had gained a witness for himself during the process of finishing the translation.

4. Sometime before April 6, 1830 there were 6 original founding members who were baptized. Besides Joseph, Oliver, and Samuel, there was also Hyrum Smith, David Whitmer, and probably his brother Peter. The accounts vary slightly about who they were but these are likely.

5. Then after the organization, several more were baptized, including Joseph's parents. Of the experience his mother wrote, "Joseph stood on the shore when his father came out of the water and as he took him by the hand,” remembered Lucy Mack Smith, “he cried out Oh! my God I have lived to see my father baptized into the true Church of Jesus Christ! and covered his face in his father’s bosom and wept aloud for joy as did Joseph of old when he beheld his father coming up into the land of Egypt.”

Monday, July 20, 2020

Week 66- The Singing Sisters

Hello! I'm afraid it won't be the most eventful of emails, but it was a good week. We decided that we should start utilizing the power of music more, and so we have been singing hymns to people. It has had a generally good response which is good, and we know that they can feel something! 

We had a lot of rain and thunderstorms which are my favorite, and we made a cute little (literally haha) video! We have a zone facebook page, The Light of Christ in Western New York, that it is on, feel free to go like it ;)

And that's about it folks! We talked in the video about hope, and I just want to bear my testimony of it again. Hope is real! It comes through our Savior Jesus Christ, and it is the assurance and trust that God will fulfill his promises to us. What has he promised? That as we keep the commandments, regardless of what is going on around us, we can find peace and joy and prosper!

Love, Sister Potts

Fun Facts:  Book of Mormon Translation

1. The main scribes for the Book of Mormon were Emma, Martin Harris, and Oliver Cowdery, though Samuel Smith and Reuben Hale probably helped a bit as well. In fact, Joseph himself even scribed for one verse.

2. In Feb 1828 Martin Harris took a paper with some of the characters from the plates to a scholar in New York City who verified their authenticity.

3. The scholar, Charles Anthon, later ripped up the certificate of authenticity when he heard about the gold plates and the Angel Moroni, but it was still good enough for Martin Harris.

4. Charles Anthon was actually a professor of Ancient American languages, so Joseph himself had no idea that the language on the plates was actually a form of reformed Egyptian.

5. Oliver Cowdery, who was the principle scribe, was so excited to meet Joseph that he practically ran and got there with a frost-bitten toe.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Week 65 - As trés írmas

We're now a trio!
Hello! Hope everyone had a great week! Ours was verrrry exciting. Tuesday morning we got a call that we were getting another companion! So Wednesday night we made the trek over to Syracuse and picked her up. Her name is Sister Lifferth, and she is a reassigned missionary! She is from Michigan, and she had previously served in Riverside, CA (to visa wait) and then in São Paulo, Brazil for a couple months before having to go home. We are so excited to have her here! She is a hoot and makes me laugh a lot. I'm so excited to have her here in Lancaster with us. Also she's teaching us Portuguese as part of her ongoing studies to keep her language skills up! I'm super excited.

We had some miracles this week, we had a self-referral several weeks ago that we could never get a hold of, until we called her another time and she picked up! And she was super excited to hear from us and wanted to meet with us and for her two teenage daughters to join! We were so excited. We had a lesson with them that went really well yesterday too. Also later that day we got a call from a guy who a member had given our number to, he is going through a really rough time and was crying when we first started talking but by the end he was calm. I know that the Savior really can calm our troubled hearts! Also Jane, our friend who had all the family members die, finally let us call again and we had a great lesson. She has such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon!

One of the highlights of the week was attending an all-day mission-wide zoom training and having the mission office deliver pizza to each of the companionships throughout the mission!

Also the best part of my week was probably that Jillian got baptized! Don't know if you remember that from the beginning of quarantine, around April, but she was a sweet young woman who was a self-referral from when I was in Massena. I wasn't allowed to attend the virtual meeting, but I did see pictures and it made me so happy! 

Love, Sister Potts

FUN FACTS: My companion wanted to know more about Porter Rockwell so I looked him up on the church website and found out more haha. 

1.  The Smith family and the Rockwell family were friends/neighbors in Manchester, NY. One of the sons, Orson Porter, heard about Joseph Smith and the 'golden bible' and was intrigued. 

2. The Rockwell family would follow the Smiths to Fayette, and Porter joined the church after it was organized in 1830. 

3. Porter moved with the first saints to Missouri, and became a very well skilled marksman. Because of his fearlessness, he would often protect and defend the Saints, which often brought a lot of persecution against him. 

4. He was imprisoned for 9 months after being falsely accused of shooting Governor Lilburn Boggs, and there was no heating or bedding in the cell. The food he was given to eat the dogs wouldn't even eat. 

5. When he was finally released, he had to walk most of the way to Nauvoo. 

we will continue next week..... 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

WEEK 64- FIRE! Of the works and flies variety

I made Key Lime Pie :)
A little late, but here's my
 B-day pics!

The most exciting part of the week- we discovered that the fireflies are out! Apparently they have been for the last two weeks and we DIDN'T KNOW. We were so sad. But we were talking to our neighbor one night and then all of the sudden we were surrounded by thousands of them. Literally the most magical thing ever I am going to miss NY so much! We are surrounded by fields so it's pretty perfect firefly conditions. It was especially magical on the 4th of July when we were surrounded by fireworks on all sides (including our neighbor literally 200 feet away) plus all the fireflies! 

The other exciting thing was a new finding method! So we are trying to find new ways to find people since we are running out of options, and someone in the mission mentioned on a training meeting that they had been calling "number neighbors"--basically once they call a number they change the last digit and do the ones close to it and try to strike up a conversation. It's definitely terrifying and a weird experience, but the VERY FIRST PERSON we called was super interested and we already have had 2 lessons with him. Miracle? Definitely. 

It was also my companion's year mark and so she let me do her hair and makeup and we had crepes for breakfast and had a really good day. 

We have had a lot of training this week on how the Book of Mormon can answer any question of the soul. It's so true! We have been going through and thinking of questions and scriptures that answer them and it has been so powerful. Even questions about how to balance a family and career, or how to strengthen your relationship with your spouse have answers in the Book of Mormon. With our friend who was our 'wrong number on purpose' he had questions and concerns about the bad decisions he has made in his life was so touched by the scripture we shared in Alma 36, and I just 'happened' to read a scripture one morning that I shared with a friend who was about to tell us that he didn't want to meet with us anymore because he wasn't getting an answer to his prayers that answered his prayer! So I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and was given to us to guide us through this mortal journey. Any question can be answered through the Book of Mormon, whether it be on the page or through the Holy Ghost that is with us as we read. Satan works against us every day, so we need to fight back every day by reading the Book of Mormon!

Love, Sister Potts

FUN FACTS: Apparently people enjoyed last week's fun facts about the brothers, so I thought I'd do the rest of the family!

1. Sophronia: Joseph's oldest sister! Also the sibling just older than him. Sophronia was married around the same time as Joseph, and followed the family to Ohio, Missouri, and Nauvoo. She lost two husbands, and lived with her younger sister Lucy and her daughter in Illinois until her death in 1876.

2. Katherine: She was married right before the family moved from New York, and also followed the family to Ohio, Missouri, and eventually Nauvoo. Her husband died when she was 40, and she lived for more than 47 years as a widow. She outlived any of the Smith children, passing away at the age of 87 in 1900. 

3. Lucy: named after her mother, Lucy was the youngest of the Smith children born in 1821. If you ever see the recreated log home in Palmyra, there was an addition added on to the back of the house for her nursery. She was only 9 when the Smiths left NY, and was with them in Ohio, Missouri, and Nauvoo. As she was fleeing mobs in Missouri she lost both shoes in icy mud near the Mississippi river. She was married in Nauvoo, and took in her widowed mother after the martyrdom. She remained in Illinois for the rest of her life, passing away at the age of 61 in 1882. 

4. Father Smith: Father Smith was devoted to the Church and his son's calling throughout his life. He was called as the first Patriarch of the church, and followed Joseph from Ohio to Missouri and Nauvoo. He became very ill from the mob persecutions in Missouri, and never fully recovered passing away in 1840. In his final moments he saw his son Alvin, who had died 17 years earlier.

5. Mother Smith: Lucy would witness the deaths of 5 of her sons and her husband before her death. Alvin in 1825, Her husband in 1840, Don Carlos in 1841, Both Joseph and Hyrum murdered in 1944, and Samuel soon after that year. What a strong woman! She went to live with her daughter Lucy after the martyrdom of her sons, and would complete a history of Joseph Smith. She lived her final years with Emma in Nauvoo before she passed away in 1856, nearly 81 years old.