Monday, December 30, 2019

Week 37- Christmas!!!🎄🎁

This Christmas was a memorable one!  We were super busy and honestly because of the focus on Christ and service it was one of the best ones yet!  

Christmas eve we had district council and then we had a lesson with our top progressing friend about the word of wisdom, and it turns out that HE'S ALREADY LIVING IT. Whaaaaaat? Turns out he has been prepared for almost 40 years to receive the gospel: he quit drinking in the 80's, quit smoking in 2005, and stopped drinking coffee in 2013. His only concern was whether or not he could still drink hot chocolate Haha.  Yay! Plus he said the words WHEN I am baptized instead of IF so we were really excited. We also took gifts to all our friends and had a couple lessons. 

Christmas day we had brunch with our recent convert from last week, and she invited all her family to meet us (that little mini missionary).  We couldn't stay very long, but apparently afterwards they were asking questions about us and expressed interest, so that's cool! I of course got to call home, and we went caroling at the nursing home, and the best part of the whole day? We took candy canes to people who were working on Christmas at gas stations and drug stores. They were so excited and said how much they appreciated the thought and we felt so good Haha. 

As far as the weather you would think being as far north as the United States goes we would have a white Christmas but NOPE. It's been like 40⁰ all week! But last night we got freezing rain and had to scrape over 1/4 inch of solid ice off our car which was exciting. This week I'm thankful for 4 wheel drive. 

This is  new version of "frosted window panes" I haven't experienced before--
freezing rain!  Usually these windows are clear. 

It took a long time to chip away at the ice before we could drive anywhere.
See the video below ;)  

We both gave talks in sacrament meeting Sunday about goals, and I gave mine on setting a goal this year that will help us become more like the Savior. Preach My Gospel lists 9 Christ-like attributes: faith, hope, charity and love, humility, diligence, patience, obedience, virtue, knowledge. I encourage each of you to pick one to work on this year! I know as we do that we can find peace and joy and come closer to Jesus Christ. Have a great week! 

Love, Sister Potts 


1. So last week I told you about the Whitmers!  Now, how in the world did they get acquainted with Joseph Smith? The answer to that is... Oliver Cowdery. 

2. A son of the Whitmers,  David, was on business in Palmyra and became friends with Oliver, who was living with the Smith family. 

3. They began talking about Joseph Smith, and David didn't think much of it, but Oliver felt there was more. They promised to keep in touch. 

4. After the school year was over, Oliver went to Harmony,  Pennsylvania, to meet Joseph and stopped to see David on the way. 

5. He promised to write David what he found out about Joseph Smith, and he would end up sending 2 letters....

CLIFFHANGER until next week! 

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