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Las tres hermanitas! |
I don't have a ton of time so I just want to share an experience/ thought. I was serving at the Hill Cumorah the other day and we had a TON of nonmembers come in. It was crazy, usually it's like 5% but that day I swear it was close to 40%. Even a family from HUNGARY. But there was a man who is in the area every summer and always brings his family and friends but is of another faith. I overheard a conversation he had with a senior Elder about what he believes and it made me SO SAD. He was saying our faiths have a lot of similarities, but his doesn't believe in all that 'mercy stuff'. In his own words, "if you join this faith and know what you're getting into and then go against it you're knowingly sinning and we don't want you in our church anymore." Ugh how sad! I am so glad to know that our God is a God of second chances. He knew that we are all mortal and would make mistakes that would keep us from returning to his presence, but he also loves us enough that he wants us back. So he sent his only begotten son to make up the difference, and who will give us infinite chances as long as we truly have the desire to change and be different. No matter what we do or what has happened to us the Savior will always be with us and desiring us to come to him and find peace and solace in his Atonement. I love him so much and have felt that love in my own life!
Have a great week and remember that there's always someone who knows you perfectly.
Love, Sister Potts
The Whitmer Team |
Last photo with Sister Hatfield and my site president and wife the Neff's! |
1. The Smith family log home was 18x30 ft and had 11 PEOPLE LIVING IN IT!
2. The log home originally had only two rooms on the ground floor, but a sawn-slash wing was added on in 1821 in anticipation of the birth of baby Lucy.
3. Mother Smith was known as being a skilled herbalist doctoring her family and neighbors.
4. Joseph did not immediately tell his family about the First Vision, and told them for the first time after Moroni appeared to him 3 years later.
5. Alvin, Joseph's oldest brother, passed away 2 months after Joseph saw the Angel Moroni for the first time.
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