Monday, July 8, 2019

Week 12 - Pain and Panic, reporting for duty!

Well people, it's about to get CRAZY here at the sites! Pageant is in t minus 3 days and it's going to be exciting. Hopefully the pain and panic will be more than made up for by getting to talk to tons of people and testifying to thousands! 

Sword from the original pageant around 80 years ago!

Fourth of July was fun, the temple and senior missionaries had a big breakfast, then the Seniors serving with us at the Smith Farm provided a TON of food which was great. But it was SO slow we were so restless and trying to think of ANYTHING to do which is nice once and a while because you get lots of studies in. The 12-hour days are honestly a daily miracle I don't know how we manage to do it every single day without DYING but somehow the days end and you do it again the next day! It's definitely one of the Lord's blessings for missionaries. 

4th of July celebrations!

There's this really nice guy in the Rochester YSA who's taking the lessons and he comes to the sites EVERY SINGLE DAY. He is golden! I guess he's on date to be baptized, and he comes and talks to the senior Elders and asks questions and gets clarification on things he's confused about and we get to help. I'm so excited for him! 
Playing dress-up at the log home

Also the Hill Cumorah Pageant cast is all showing up! There's nearly 800 cast plus crew so it's crazy! But we got to take a backstage tour which was really cool I had no idea how HUGE it is! My Lyceum conductor is here for the pageant so when I ran into him he showed up later with his cello and a violin and we played a couple duets. It was fun!

Hill Cumorah Pageant stage!

Well that's about it, we'll see if I'm still alive by next Monday--wish us all luck! :)

Love, Sister Potts


1. In 1802, Mother Smith became really sick with Tuberculosis and nearly died, but made a remarkable recovery.

2. When the Smiths were first married they were actually well-off financially, but they got cheated out of their money and struggled for the rest of their lives.

3. Joseph Sr taught school in the Winters in Vermont to help provide for his family.

4. After Joseph's surgery he had to use crutches for 3 years.

5. The year 1816 was known as the "year without a summer" or "1800 and froze to death" Because a volcano eruption in Indonesia threw off the weather patterns. This caused several years of crop failure for the Smiths forcing them to move!

Bonus Picture/Story:
There was a guy who came into the Grandin and asked to cut through to the Pizza place. The Senior sister joked that he could if he brought us something, but came back with two pizzas and a soda! 

More Bonus Pictures Mom found on the new mission president's Instagram page :)

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