Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Week 9- Today is 2 months! and I survived a whole transfer!

June 17, 2019 (Happy 2-month mark!)

Well people I made it to my first transfer call (6 weeks in the mission field)! I will be staying here as a full-site missionary (yay!), but I have a new companion who has never served here before who will be transferring from Buffalo! I'm excited and I'll meet her tomorrow. For just today, I'm in a trio with 2 other sisters until everyone's companions arrive tomorrow.  This week has been more of the same, just meeting lots of people and getting to help strengthen their testimony of the restoration! 

It's really green now!  So beautiful!
We've been getting a lot of bus tours with youth and they are amazing. Most of them just soak it up and are so excited! We have fun talking with them and getting to hear about their plans now that they've graduated high school. There was a group from my home town! Another had this girl who looked pretty down and my companion just went up and hugged her for the longest time while this girl just cried. Apparently later at a testimony meeting she said how she's had a hard week and had been struggling with her testimony but when my companion hugged her she felt like Heavenly Father was hugging her. It was such a testament to me to just love everyone and follow spiritual promptings! 

A youth group from my home town of Highland/American Fork, Utah.  
I didn't know most of them since they are mostly Lone Peak High School kids, but several of them know Jacob and are in our stake or went to Legacy Elementary with Jacob or Mountain Ridge Junior High School with him (note from mom: our neighborhood is split pretty evenly between American Fork High School and Lone Peak High School kids since we live right on the edge of the boundary.)
Today is my comp's birthday, Sister Ramos' (she's 21!).
I got to make cupcakes and help celebrate before transfers.
We'll both still be here at the sites full-time, but we both get new companions.

Have a great week everyone! 
Love, Sister Potts 


1. The church was organized 10 days after the Book of Mormon went for sale.

2. There's a team at the Whitmer Farm right now finding more locations of homes.

3. The book Saints uses the same page format and font as the Harry Potter books.

4. By the time all 5000 copies of the Book of Mormon were finished, Joseph was living in Kirtland, Ohio. 

5. The 8 witnesses saw the plates in the sacred grove.

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