Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Week 6 - Walmart is Heaven

Hey everyone! Same old same old here at the sites except it's picking up a LOT! We've also been preparing for the crazy summer season which is exciting. I'm still getting to help with some spanish tours which are super fun because the people are always so excited and honored to be there. My spanish isn't improving much though😂.

Highlight of the week: we can never leave Palmyra without special permission but we got permission to pick up a prescription so we got to go to WALMART! I have never loved Walmart so much in my life I almost cried it was amazing. 

Spiritual thought: I love how much the Sites and Joseph's story really testify of 1 Nephi 3:7 "for I know that the Lord giveth no commandment unto the children of man save he shall prepare a way for them, that they may accomplish the thing which he has commanded them." Joseph was commanded to keep the plates safe and that was NOT an easy task. He was attacked by mobs and people would break into his house,  etc. But even though it wasn't easy, through the Lord directing him it was possible.  It's the same for us! We've been given commandments and while we aren't promised that it will be easy, we are promised that it will be possible. 

Love, Sister Potts

Fun Facts:

1. The Hill Cumorah monument is based on the description Joseph gave us as to where the plates were found- North west side about 2/3 of the way up. 

2. The dedication of the Peter Whitmer farm took place on the 150th anniversary of the church because that's where the church was organized!

3. The anniversary fell on a conference weekend so they streamed between Salt Lake and President Kimball here!

4. On the way back from retrieving the plates Joseph was attacked 3 times and even dislocated his thumb!

5. Because they would find small errors with every copy of the Book of Mormon, each of the 5000 copies is unique in some way.

Me holding one of the first 5000 copies!!!!!

View of the temple from the Smith farm
Smith family log home

Cute comp pic

My comp makes us amazing Mexican food!

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