Monday, October 26, 2020

Week 80- Closing Remarks

Well folks, this is it. The very last email you will receive from Sister Potts in the New York Syracuse Mission!  My heart is full and my eyes are wet (literally) but before I share my closing remarks I'll tell you a few highlights from this week! 

We have had absolute miracles happen this week. We have had a bunch of self referrals that have actually answered! We've been able to start teaching some of them and they are elect. Then the other day we went over to our friend Carmen's for a lesson and her niece and nieces daughter were there! Carmen told us she had told her niece a bit about the Book of Mormon and wanted us to tell her more. So we told her, and she was so interested! She was about to go but decided to stay for our lesson and was sooooo interested. She even made sure she'd be available for the next lesson! We left that meeting with our hearts full, and we were on cloud 9. 

As for this week things are going to be a bit wild.   I don't leave until thursday but transfers are tomorrow. So I'm going to be spending a day in another area near Syracuse for a day in a four-some, then I'm going to be meeting with my mission president Wednesday night and spending that night in a hotel, then I'll be leaving the next morning! Crazy stuff. 

Okay now for my final remarks. 

My mission experience was nothing like I thought it would be. I went in as a site Sister in the New York Rochester Mission, and left as a quarantined proselytizing missionary in the New York Syracuse mission! But there isn't a millimeter long sliver of doubt in my mind that that is exactly the plan that God had in store for me. I know that I was prepared for this time to be serving here in New York during COVID-19.  I never again want to doubt or question if God is aware of me or my situation and knows what is best for me.

I know that exact obedience is the key to happiness. It took me some time to appreciate that I was in a 'strict' mission, but I am so incredibly grateful now. I was able to learn to submit my will to God’s, and I never could have anticipated that it would bring so much joy. I know that the commandments we are given are directions from a loving Heavenly Father to help us stay safe, happy, and healthy. We need to stay out of the gray area and choose to be completely on the Lord's side. That is where true freedom and joy lies. 

I don't know how I got so lucky to be able to serve in New York. I got to spend every day for 6 months of my life on sacred ground! I am in the mission that started every other mission, and where the very gospel was restored. I am so honored and grateful beyond description that I was trusted to serve here. It will forever have my heart.

I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.  He was anything but perfect, but the Lord used Him in His imperfection and helped him become the man he needed to become. I know that it was through him that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God! There is no possible way that a young farm boy could have written it. It restored so many of the precious truths of the gospel back to the earth, and gives us answers to life's greatest questions. The spirit has touched my heart every time I read from it's pages and testifies to me that it is true. And I know that everything hinges on that Book. If it is true, then Joseph Smith was a prophet, this is Christ's true church, and most importantly Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. 

I know that our prophet Russell M Nelson has the priesthood keys that have been passed down through an unbroken chain of successors from the Prophet Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ himself. Every time I see him and hear him speak the spirit sings that truth to my heart! I know that he is God's spokesman on the earth, and that if we follow Him we are following God who will never lead us astray. 

I am so grateful for my Savior. He truly was chosen from the foundation of the world to overcome sin and death, the two great things that will keep us from returning to the presence of God. More than that, I know that he is MY Savior. MY Redeemer. I know that He suffered for my pains and sicknesses and paid the price for my sins individually. He knows and loves each one of us personally, and suffered for us one by one. He is always waiting with outstretched arms to welcome us back to His fold, and replace our guilt and pain with peace and joy. He and His gospel are the only way to true freedom and happiness! 
I will always strive to be one of His disciples. 

This is His Church. This is His work. I'd like to leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love, Sister Potts 

Final Fun Facts- lessons learned from the sites part 2

1. The Book of Mormon publication site- I had no idea how much went into publishing the Book of Mormon! In 1830 a copy of the Book of Mormon required months of hard labor and cost the price of two days wages. Now all you need is to phone the missionaries and we've got 100 in the back of our car for free. We are blessed folks!

2. Also at the Book of Mormon publication site my testimony was strengthened of the Book of Mormon as I heard people from all over the world share how that Book has changed their lives. 

3. Whitmer Farm- my favorite place! There is an undeniable spirit on that property. The first lesson I learned there is that God is aware of us and our needs. In the midst of the most important work on earth, God instructed Moroni to take the time and show Mary Whitmer the plates to thank her for the work she was doing. Big or small God wants to help us during our individual trials.

4. My favorite part of the Whitmer farm is showing a 4 minute video about the growth of the Church. I learned that there is no way that a church of 6 members—started in the middle of a farm in Western New York—could spread all over the world to nearly 17 million members unless it is the Work of the Lord. The truth of God is truly penetrating every continent, visiting every clime, sweeping through every country, and sounding in every ear. 

5. Overall- the greatest thing I gained during the 6 months I served there is an undeniable witness that all of those things are true, and that no matter who they are or where they're from people's lives will be changed for the better as they accept those truths ❤ including all of us!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Week 79- The final countdown!

Exchanges in Buffalo with Sister Thorley (on the far left)!

Wow everyone, time is flying by too fast and this is my last full week as a missionary! But it has honestly been one of the best weeks of my mission. 

We are still working on the pool! It turned out to be a much larger project than I thought but we are loving it so we don't mind. I'm just hoping we can finish before I go home!

We had exchanges this week! I have somehow made it through 18 months of a mission only going on 3 exchanges haha. But it was fun, Sister Lifferth and I went to downtown Buffalo for the afternoon! The houses were soooo magical we were obsessed. It was really fun and Sister Thorley who we were with is such a sweetheart! 

We have seen miracles with our friends! First off, we got probably 6 referrals this week, most of which were self referrals, and 3 of them answered! One is a man named Jason who is so excited to learn more about the gospel and is craving the change in His life it can bring. It just makes me so incredibly happy to know that we have the recipe to eternal happiness right in our hands to give to others. It has been my favorite part of my mission seeing lives change like that!

Also our friend Joe who we hadn't been able to meet with in a while told us he watched conference and keeps being drawn back to the church. This is a huge turning point for him to give up His old beliefs and accept the gospel!

Those are the highlights so I'll leave it at that :) Being a missionary is absolutely amazing, and I am going to keep soaking it up while I can!
❤ NY!!!

Love, Sister Potts 

Look at that!  A Buffalo in Buffalo!

FUN FACTS - Lessons learned from the sites Part 1

1. Welcome Center- surprisingly one of my favorite and most impactful stories we tell is the introduction to the Smith farm. From a volcano to a newspaper ad to a hazardous trip to New York, God had a very specific plan for the Smith family, much much different than what they had in mind. For them and for us, God has a plan and will lead us to the right places at the right times if we will follow him. 

2. Log home- in the log home I got to recite the account of the first vision more times than I can count in the very spot where it took place. I gained an undeniable witness that those events took place because I could feel the spirit every single time I told it without fail! 

3. Frame home- in the frame home I learned about the necessity for opposition. We would tell people about the difficulties of keeping the plates safe and all that Joseph went through to protect them. Why was it so hard? If it was Gods work, why couldn't he just make sure nothing happened? Then Joseph never would have grown and become the man God needed Him to become. The trials we experience in life serve to refine us and help us become who God needs us to be!

4. Barn and Copper shop- while we mostly told about how they would harvest grain and what they'd do around the farm, I also had the spirit testify to me that the Smith family would never leave their beautiful homes, property, structures, and their entire lives behind if they didn't know with their whole hearts that Joseph had been called of God. 

5. Hill Cumorah- here I learned the necessity for exact obedience and preparedness. Joseph tried 4 times to get the plates before he finally accomplished it in 1827. Each time he wasn't quite ready. He didn't have his mind quite single to the glory of God and hadn't been exactly obedient to the Lord's commandments. Yet the Lord was patient with Him and kept supporting Him until he was finally ready for his calling. He had high love and high expectations for Joseph! 

Here are some of the homes from Buffalo--aren't they adorable?!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Week 78- Palmyra & A Pool Party

I've come full circle--I got to go back to where I began.

It has been quite the week! It started with a giant service project--the first one we have been able to have since quarantine! We are painting the structures around a community pool in this cute little town called East Aurora, and we are doing it with some other Sisters in Buffalo (which is super rare for our mission) so it's been so fun. We have done 3 days worth so far! And will be doing more starting tomorrow. 

All dressed up in our painting gear!

Then Yesterday we had our first in-person zone conference since quarantine!  In Palmyra!  So we got to spend some time in the grove and at the Hill Cumorah. I got to sit on "my bench" in the grove where I sat my very first day and think about everything that has happened over the last 18 months. That first day I remember being soooo scared about what was about to come. And now it scares me to think where I'd be without it. Coming on a mission is the best decision I've ever made. It has changed my life! And it's going to be sad for it to end. But I have gained such a testimony that the Lord's ways are better than mine. My mission was nothing like I thought it would be. But it has also been so much better!

Love, Sister Potts 

My bench!


1. In honor of my recent trip to Cumorah, I thought I'd talk a little bit about the Hill!

2. It wasn't a large curiosity or attraction until in 1907 a man named George Anderson photographed it on his way to a mission in Britain. The photograph was published and helped people connect to the history of the hill.

3. George Albert Smith and his wife went on a trip to Palmyra with $20,000 in cash sewn into her skirt on a mission to buy the Hill Cumorah and the Smith family farm. 

4. It took years of convincing to get the owner of the hill, Pliny Sexton, to agree to sell. But after his death the church was able to purchase it in 1928!

5. In 1935 a monument was erected on the top of the Hill and the dedication included a musical presentation that has evolved into what is now known as the Hill Cumorah Pageant!

The Hill Cumorah monument.

View from the top of Hill Cumorah looking out at the beautiful fall day.  Goodbye for now!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Week 77- Niagara Falls!

I'll have to make it quick today because we just got back from Niagara Falls! We got switched to the Niagara Falls district which we definitely aren't complaining about because that means we got to go there for district p-day! It was absolutely gorgeous--especially with the fall leaves. It was a great grand finale for my final month here!


We had some really good lessons this week. We had a lesson with Carmen and her girls setting expectations and they really are so eager to learn and read the Book of Mormon! We also had a really powerful lesson with our friend Stephanie last week where we all bore our testimonies. Her daughter was there too! And they were both very touched.  

Then of course you literally can't beat conference as a missionary! There's nothing better! I loved the theme of facing the future with faith. I've definitely had some fears for the future! A lot of them actually, so it was so good to have the reminder that God is with us in the details, he knows and is aware of us, and loves us so much that he will truly give us the experiences and blessings we need. 

If you didn't get the chance to watch every session of conference I invite you to do so now! I can promise that any question that has been pressing on your mind can and will be answered through the words of our inspired prophet and apostles!

Love, Sister Potts 

FUN FACTS (First Conferences of the Church):

1. It's been a while since I've talked about the first general conferences! They were held right here in my mission.

2. The first was held in June of 1830. On the 9th to be exact! It, and the next two, were held at the Whitmer Farm in Fayette, NY.

3. In the first conference, Section 20 of the Doctrine and Covenants was read and presented. Many men were ordained to the priesthood, and Joseph and Oliver addressed the people.

4. The next conference was Sep 26, 1830. This was obviously before the semiannual tradition was established. They took care of church business, partook of the sacrament, and confirmed and ordained many.

5. The last one in Fayette was Jan 1-2, 1831. The most notable experience was the revelation that the saints should move to Ohio so they may build a temple and receive their endowments. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Week 76- Arachnophobia

Hello! Not too much to report again but hope you enjoyed the wonderful holiday last Tuesday and that Moroni didn't keep you awake all night ;) 

To explain the title, we went to a friend's house for a lesson the other night and they weren't there :( but a GIANT spider was on their door! It was so massive we thought it was a Halloween decoration at first but NOPE--it moved!. My companion who served in Brazil said she hadn't even seen that large of one there. My other companion served in Australia so not for her but still. You know it's been a bit slow when that's the highlight haha. 

Honestly it's been kind of a hard week! When it's slow it's easy to get discouraged. Especially when you spend hours a day making phone calls and sending texts and nothing comes of it. But I know the Lord loves effort! And that as we put our faith and trust in him and do the work anyways, that will bring miracles in unexpected ways. We had two friends we hadn't been able to get in touch with call us back the same day! 

"For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith" Ether 12:12.

Love, Sister Potts 


1. So here's a bit about the other trips to the Hill Cumorah on Sept 22 of subsequent years. 

2. Joseph went every year for 5 years total. From 1823-1827.

3. Each time he'd go, he would be tutored by Moroni and other ancient prophets to prepare him for His prophetic responsibilities.

4. Each year he had more learning and growing to do and so wasn't prepared to receive the plates yet. For instance, one year he had let his mind slip to the value of the plates, or he set them down and let them out of his sight, etc.

5. Finally, on Sept 22, 1827, just as it turned midnight, he and Emma went to the hill to retrieve the plates. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Week 75- the Lone Ranger

It was 17 months on the 17th of September!

Well folks, the 13th transfer has begun and my mission president has named me the Lone Ranger. What does that mean you may ask? Well you see, my MTC district was the last group to come into the NY Rochester mission (my original call); therefore we were the last group of Sisters to be called to serve at both the Sites and in the NY Syracuse mission (since our missions merged). And since the rest of my MTC district went home this week, I am the last Sister left in the NY Syracuse mission who served at the historic sites. I feel so old! Haha. But I am excited that I have a few more weeks to serve. 

We had to say goodbye to Sister Jenks this week (middle).

We picked up my new companion, Sister Randall, on Tuesday! She is the sweetest. She is from Gilbert, AZ and served for a few months in Australia before coming here. This is going to be a great transfer!

Meet Sister Randall

Not much has happened this week, we only had a few lessons with our friends, but we have been trying to do more member doctrinal visits which has been fun! We also had a virtual stake conference yesterday and they reorganized the Buffalo, NY stake. 

Our Bishop's wife made us an awesome Stake Conference care packet!

I think I mentioned the in-depth Preach my Gospel study that we started this week. We spent the whole weeks studying God is our Loving Heavenly Father, the Gospel blesses Individuals and Families, and Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. These topics really struck me, especially the first one. One of my favorite quotes is by Elder Uchtdorf, and it says, "Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount—that is the measure of God’s love for you." I know that God's love is not limited by time, space, decisions, race, color, gender, or religion. He loves all of His children perfectly, individually, and infinitely. But he also has high expectations for us! He knows our potential for what we can become. And if we truly love Him back, we will desire to obey His commandments and serve Him. He truly has a perfect plan for us, and if we follow it we will be able to return to Him and live eternally in peace and joy.

Have a great week!
Love, Sister Potts 

Sisters Randall, Lifferth & Potts ready to go to work!


1. Today and tomorrow is a big holiday for Church History! It is the 197th anniversary of the Angel Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith in the log home in Palmyra. 

2. The year is 1823 and Joseph was praying late on the evening of Sep 21st and into the morning of the 22nd. He desired to know what God needed of Him and if he could be forgiven of his sins.

3. As he prayed, an angel appeared and introduced himself as Moroni. He visited Joseph 3 times that night giving him a miraculous message and telling Him about an ancient record buried in a nearby hill. 

4. The next day on Sep 22nd Joseph was able to go to the Hill Cumorah and see the plates for the first time!

5. He would go every year for 4 more years on Sep 22nd to the Hill before he was able to obtain the plates. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Week 74- the Last transfer call....

Well folks, this is the week! I am entering my very last transfer, my 13th, as a missionary. So bittersweet! We weren't expecting transfer calls until tomorrow but we got them today! Sister Jenks is moving to Syracuse, but Sister Lifferth and I are staying in Lancaster and being joined by Sister Randall! We don't know anything about her but we are excited. 

We had district p-day today and played yard games at a park so I don't have much time--I'm sorry! But nothing much happened except we've been able to have a couple in-person lessons with our friend Carmen and her two daughters. They are so sweet and excited to learn.

We have been studying the Character of Christ this week as a mission. One thing that stood out is that Christ always turned outwards in every situation, when almost anyone else would have turned inwards. Even in the midst of the agony on Golgotha he turned to John and asked him to take care of his mother. That is who we want to be! I want to learn to be more selfless and really focus on serving and helping others. And I have found on my mission that those are the times I feel the most joy. We won't be perfect, but we can always strive to improve! 

Have a wonderful week :)

Love, Sister Potts 


1. Several important events occurred during the organizational meeting of the church. One was the sustaining of Joseph Smith as the first elder of the church and Prophet, seer, and revelator (D&C 21).

2. Second was Oliver Cowdery as the second elder of the church.

3. The 6 baptized members were confirmed and given the Holy Ghost.

4. The sacrament was blessed and passed under proper priesthood authority for the first time in this dispensation.

5. Revelation found in D&C 20 and 21 were given to help govern and run the church.