Wow this was unexpected, but after only a transfer in Pittsford I have been transferred again! They closed my last area and took us both out. I am in Lancaster, NY now, which is just outside of Buffalo! It's really rural and has beautiful farmland. I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far. My new companion is Sister Jenks (from Boise), who has been companions with a couple of my past companions.
Also it was my birthday! Birthdays are really weird on the mission because it's just another day, but I made a key lime pie and we had some dinner delivered and I had a nice package from home ;) Thanks for everyone who sent the nice emails!
It's pretty crazy everyone that we are teaching are having people in their families die so we haven't been able to meet with a lot of people so far, but I like the people we have talked to so far!
Sorry this is kind of short but I'm so grateful I was able to spend my whole 20th year as a missionary. It's not all easy, but I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to be a missionary and to serve the Lord. I know that the Church is true and the Book of Mormon is the word of God. This is the work of the Lord and it will go forward with or without COVID!
Have a great week!
Love, Sister Potts
Fun facts: Joseph's Brothers
1. Alvin- Born in 1798 And Joseph's hero. He helped support the family after moving to NY by working as a day laborer, and even payed the entire land payment one year by himself. He was building a home for his future family on the Smith home at the time of his death from (most likely) appendicitis in 1823 at the age of 25.
2. Hyrum- In life they were united and in death they could not be separated. Hyrum stayed by Joseph's side throughout his life as a leader of the church, and took over as patriarch after his father's death. He was about 6 years older than Joseph and died with him in 1844 at Carthage jail.
3. Samuel- Every missionary's dream boy. He was one of the 6 founding members of the church, and was the first missionary of this dispensation. He stayed faithful to the church and his brother and was one of the first on the scene after his brothers deaths. He accompanied his brothers bodies back to Nauvoo, and from some injuries acquired during that day he died soon after.
4. William- Oh william. The problem brother haha. He sort of went off the deep end and had some physical altercations with Joseph when he got mad. After Joseph's death he was excommunicated for taking church funds and ended up joining some apostate factions of the church.
5. Don Carlos- The youngest brother, and greatly under-rated. He was faithful to the gospel throughout his life, but died in 1841 due to pneumonia. Of him Joseph said, "I never knew of any fault in him... from the time that he was born till the time of his death. He was a lovely, a good-natured, a kind-hearted and a virtuos and a faithful, upright child; and where his soul goes, let mine go also."