Monday, September 23, 2019

Week 23- Pennsylvania Yankees

Here's the promised photo with Elder Christofferson from Last Tuesday!  
Hey everyone, I don't have much time, but it's been an interesting week! Like I said last week, our trio has sort of been working both the sites and then going to a city called Penn Yan, which is short for Pennsylvania Yankees I guess.  We've gone down 3 times so far. On Thursday we were there all day and had 8 lessons back to back--it was awesome! Then we had some free time on Sunday so we did some street contacting and knocking, which is more terrifying, especially in the dark--haha. But it's good to really rely on Jesus Christ to dispel all fear and realize that what you're doing is to share the gospel that has blessed your life. 

EVERYONE BETTER HAVE WATCHED THE NEW BOOK OF MORMON VIDEO--it's so good all the sisters are totally fan girling. It'll be an exciting next couple of years!

Love, Sister Potts

All of the site missionaries--trying to look authentic for the times:)  Emily is on the front row in the hat.


1. It was long believed that when Joseph brought the plates home he brought them through a window, but Saints corrected that to bringing them through the front door, which makes more sense to be honest since they're 50 lbs!

2. Mother Smith's favorite feature of the house is a beautiful stone sink with a lead pipe draining to the back.

3. To raise money, Alvin Smith worked on the Erie canal and was able to make the complete second payment on the farm.

4. Within weeks of moving into the frame home the family lost the title. 

5. They were, however, able to live on the farm for 4 more years until they moved in 1830.

Enjoy some beautiful pictures of the sunsets and fall leaves!

Finally made it to the Martin Harris home today on our P-day! Cool stonework!

(Note from Mom:  Thanks for all the prayers & kind words of encouragement this week for Emily and me!  It was a rough week having to say goodbye to her beloved cat, Zuko, and we were pretty worried about her emotional state since her mission president's wife called me pretty concerned about her this week.  But we were so relieved to talk to her today and see her smiling and as feisty as ever.  She says she's too stubborn to let it keep her from her mission!  Go Emily!  She asked for watercolors & paper so she could do a special Zuko project next p-day.  That's my Emigirl--always figuring out a way to turn things around by diving into a creative project!  Emily also found out while we were video chatting with her that she is being reassigned to a new companion tomorrow, Sister Fernandez from Brazil, who needs a companion for the last 3 weeks of this transfer since her companion is ending up having to go home unexpectedly tomorrow--there's always drama at the sites :).  Anyways, the trio is being dissolved, and Emily gets to move into another apartment closer to the Grandin Press Bldg, which she's excited about.  There are just 3 weeks left in this transfer, and wow what a transfer cycle this has been!  I guess she won't get to go to Penn Yan anymore, but they will be moving all the site missionaries to proselyting areas mid-October for the slow winter months while the senior couples staff the sites.  Then they'll get to go back to the sites in the Spring again.)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Week 22- Menonites and Month 5!

Well everyone another week for the books. Today is my 5 month mark, and I finally feel like time is picking up haha. The biggest change for this week is I'm back in a trio! We had a Sister in a proselyting area go home so her companion came to the sites with us, and now we are both full site and we get to help teach their friends down there, too, twice a week! I haven't done it yet but it will be a great experience. And my new companion, Sister Rustad, was in the MTC with me! We're both from Highland and we actually met on the same shift at the Temple prior to our missions. We went down to church in the area (Penn Yan) on Sunday to meet the branch. I've never attended a branch before so it was a bit of a shock to see only 30 people, 10 of which are missionaries, but they are so sweet and loving and I'm so excited to get to know them. Penn Yan is definitely small town farm country, so on the way we saw a bunch of Horse and Buggies which was AWESOME.

 Horse and buggy! The best I could creepily get while driving.

The other big thing is that we had a mission conference in Syracuse! This may be the only time this happens (to have the entire mission together), and it was because we had Elder Christofferson come for a big regional mission president's seminar. We got to shake his hand and the 4 members of the 70 he had with him, and then we had some great talks on missionary work and using the Book of Mormon, then we had a Q&A with Elder Christofferson. He is so kind and funny and really just glows! We talked about personal revelation, and I even asked a question about what he feels we need to convey to Members, and it was fun.  On the way back we even got chick-fil-a, because one of the 2 in our entire mission was around the block! I almost cried. 

Chick Fil A!!
THEN this afternoon all the mission presidents and their wives and a bunch of the 70 came to the Smith Farm for tours and we got to take a bunch of them on a tour. Elder Christofferson comes in and shakes my hand and says "Hi, I'm Elder Christofferson" and I didn't know what to say except, "I know, I'm Sister Potts". It was awkward it's fine i'm awkward. I also got to tell him about the Cooper shop! But then after he got in a picture with the 4 sisters (I'll send it next week) And shook my hand again and thanked us and patted me on the arm twice! It was really exciting haha. And all the mission presidents were so sweet and it was fun to talk to them about my friends who are/have served in their missions.

Lunch on the Eerie Canal.

Every time I meet or listen to an apostle or other church leader my testimony grows. I know that they are so good and so genuine and loving that they would never ever lie to anyone. I know that they are servants of the Lord and that they have legitimate testimonies for themselves of this work. I also know that they would never dedicate their lives, and that Joseph would have never given his life, for a lie. It's either true or it's not, there's no in between, and I know that it's true. It fills me with light. I love it!

Have a great week!

Love, Sister Potts


1.  By the time that Moroni appeared to Joseph it had been 3 1/2 years since the first vision, and Joseph was nearly 18 years old. 

2.  I LOVE THE RELATIONSHIP OF JOSEPH AND MORONI. When Moroni appeared he was finally meeting the boy who he had been preparing to meet for 1400 years, had written some of his record to, and was going to bring forth the plates that he had dedicated and given his life to preserve. 

3.  Moroni came 4 times to Joseph that night/next morning and each time had the same message but added something different onto the end.

4.  The walk from Joseph's home to the Hill Cumorah is about 3 miles.

5.  It was a mark of social status to have a separate parlor and master bedroom. The log home doesn't, but in the frame home they built later, it does which shows how they moved up in society just a bit.

(Note from Mom:  After such a wonderful week, it was hard to give Emily the news that her beloved cat, Zuko, is gone.  She took the news pretty hard--he was as close as a sibling or child to her and such a light in her life these past several years, and he had helped to heal her from her phobia of animals.  Her priority in calling every week is to see "my babies" (Zuko & Pickles--although Zuko has always been "her" special cat), and then the rest of her family, in that order.  We couldn't keep it from her any longer.  Please pray for her!  She could use an extra dose of love and prayers this next week as she tries to process the grief and loss.  Thanks!)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 21 - Wow this us just FANTASTICC!

Well folks another transfer at the sites is in full swing! It's been kind of slow but we had one fun tour of note. We had this couple come in and he was just crazy and funny and turns out he's a Buddhist acupuncturist who's obsessed with historic homes. So he'd just go around touching everything and saying wowww this us just fantaaastic honey come feel this it's for sure an antique. It was awesome and he was totally into the story it was great. 

I don't have much time today but I feel so blessed to spend 6 more weeks here at this amazing and sacred place. My testimony of the restoration of the gospel has grown so much, and I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that Russel M Nelson now holds those same keys. And the Book of Mormon is true y'all! 
Have a great week!

Love,  Sister Potts 


1. When Lucy would have meetings and other wives would remark that she deserved better than the log house, she emphatically replied that she was quite comfortable where she was.

2. Alvin died less than 2 months after Joseph went to the hill the first time.

3. Alvin was engaged to be married when he died.

4. It is thought that Alvin died of appendicitis, though he was also given a dose of calomel which didn't help.

5. The last thing he told Joseph was to be a good boy and do everything that lies in his power to get the record. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Week 20 - Walkin' with Joseph

Our trio is about to change--we just got notice of our transfers which are tomorrow!

Some fun at the Book of Mormon Publication Site
(Grandin Print Bldg).
Well everyone, I finally have some exciting stuff to share with you! First off, transfer calls were today, and I'm staying full-site AGAIN (my 4th transfer here) which is crazy.  I'm excited but I also thought I was ready to move on, haha. (note from Mom--we were all sure she would be transferred out this time, and I think she's going a little stir-crazy there now that it's so slow, but she gets to see the sites go through a change of seasons with the beautiful Fall leaves, so bring on another 6 weeks, right?!  She did request me to send her Fall/Winter clothes, though, because it's already starting to cool down.)
Me with Sister Michael, my new companion! 
(She was actually one of her companions this past week
when Emily was placed in a trio, and Emily really likes her).

Also, last Monday I got to go Proselyting for the first time! It was scary, but it was neat to get out of my comfort zone and have great conversations with people and get rejected and meet with those having great difficulties in their lives and know that your message has the potential to change them. I just did a split with the Palmyra sisters and I was with Sister O'dell who leaves tomorrow so it was super fun--she's a hoot. 

Also, last Wednesday we got to go on a special walk! We did the walk from the Hill Cumorah to the Smith Frame Home that Joseph would have taken the plates home to. With modern roads, we had to walk 4 miles instead of Joseph's 3, but we didn't have to carry 50 pound gold plates, so it was fun. 
Part of the Hill Cumorah monument.

We had a bit of a rush with Labor Day weekend then it dropped again, but apparently it's supposed to pick up again in the Fall when the leaves start changing! They're already starting--it's GORGEOUS! 

I don't have much time, but just want you to know that I have come to know without a doubt that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth. I know that God called Joseph Smith as a prophet in these latter days, and that he truly did see Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father here in Palmyra, New York. The spirit that I feel as I testify of those events every day has born witness of that to me. 

Have a great week!
Love, Sister Potts


1. When Moroni appeared to Joseph, it had been 1400 years since he, himself (Moroni), had buried the golden plates in the Hill Cumorah.

2. While Moroni assisted Joseph for the next several years, they grew to be great friends, and Moroni became a teacher and great help to Joseph. I LOVE their relationship--I could talk about it for an hour.

3. In addition to telling about the golden plates, Moroni also told Joseph about the signs of the second coming, temple work, the coming of Elijah, the millennial reign, the gathering of Israel, and more. 

4. Joseph was cutting grain the next morning when he became so tired he was sent home, thinking he was ill.

5. While attempting to cross over the apple orchard fence, he collapsed, and when he came to Moroni was there for a fourth time.